13 tips to stop your cat from chewing on cords
My sweet Main Coon really enjoys chewing on my cords, it may be a charging cord, gaming cord, or my headphones. It doesn’t matter to him. He wants to chew on it. The problem is how do I keep my large cat from chewing on cords? Part of that is learning why and then finding a solution to stop it.
I know why he chews on my headphones, he thinks they are a toy, however, I could not figure out why he was chewing on my other cords. That led me to an interesting search where I did find some helpful tips.

Why do cats chew on cords?
- They are teething
- They are bored
- They like the feel of the cord
- They are looking for attention
- They are stressed
- They think it’s a play toy
- They may be sick
Keeping your cat from chewing cords involves figuring out why your cat is chewing your electrical cords. In my case, my cat was both bored and stressed. There have been a few changes in my household this year and I believe this has affected him more than I thought.
If one of the above reasons doesn’t make sense to you it’s time to plan a visit to your vet. However, if one of them does seem to be why your cat is chewing here are a few things you can do to get them to stop.
How to stop your cat from chewing on cords.
Cover electrical cords with furniture
One way to keep your cats from damaging your electrical cords is to hide them with furniture. This is a great way to keep pets away from cords and also hide them from friends and family.
All you have to do is rearrange your furniture so that it hides the cords. Move tables, desks, or beds in front of outlets to keep cats from getting to them.
Buy furniture with plugs built in
Another way you can use furniture to hide and keep your cat from chewing on cords is to buy furniture with plugs already included in them. Most side tables, end tables, and bedside tables already have these features.
You can also find hidden plugs in most sectionals, however, keep in mind that these will have cords that run behind or under the sectional and can still be accessed by your cat. You may want to cover these cords with tape or another type of cover.
Built-in plugs are now standard on many other furniture items as well and help keep your cords hidden from chewing cats.
Hide your cords by the ceiling.
If you don’t mind the look of a cord going up your wall you may be able to hide them from your cat by your ceiling. You can either buy holders you can attach to the wall or use tape that will hold the cord in place. Either way, they will be out of reach of your cat.
Smear the cords with something that smells bad to your cat
Cats hate things that smell strange to them and you may be surprised at what smells those are. Cats are not fond of many smells. Here is a shortlist of smells cats dislike.
- Citrus
- Spicy
- Eucalyptus
- Lavender
- Hot sauce
If you are thinking of using essential oil to keep your cat away from your cords you want to be careful, many essential oils, like citrus oils are toxic to cats. However, Lavender essential oil is safe to use around your cat.
Cats also do not like spicy things so you could put hot sauce on your cords. Keep in mind this will also cause a smell in your home and you will have to re-apply often along with cleaning the cords off.
Use a Cat Deterrent
Cat deterrents are a great way to keep your cats away from cords. You can find them in any store and they come in a handy spray bottle. They are also helpful for keeping your pet away from certain areas of your home.
You want to be careful if you use a cat deterrent as you don’t want to keep your cat from areas they need to be in. If you have cords close to their food dish or litter box you will want to try a different way to keep them away from your cords.

Offer your cat alternatives to chew
Your cat may just need something to chew on that feels good on their teeth. Depending on the age of your cat they may be teething and need to chew so their new teeth can come in.
You want to offer them toys that allow them to chew and chew and chew. You can find great cat toys on Chewy.com here that will help your cat stay away from your cords.
Don’t count out small rubbery dog toys
Yes, these toys are made for dogs, however, if your cat really just loves to chew things this could stop them from going after your cords. Rubber dog toys have the same texture and feel of most cords and could help keep your cat from chewing.
Play with your cat more
Your cat may be chewing on cords because they are bored. They may need you to play with them or a better selection of toys. If you notice your cat is not playing with its toys or doesn’t seem to like them you may want to check out my post on why your cat hates their toys.
Having toys that a cat enjoys playing with is essential to keep them from chewing on cords. You also want to actually play with your cat. Many times we buy toys and forget that our cat really wants to play with us, their human. I myself have been a victim of this as my last cat was not as playful in her senior years and I got used to not having to play.
Change up your cat’s food
Your cat may just need more of something in its diet. Many times cats know their bodies are missing something, but they don’t know what, just as humans have no idea and so a trip to your vet may be in order. Your vet can figure out if your pet needs a special diet to help add missing nutrients into their system.
Your vet may also be able to tell if it is something else causing your cat to chew on your cords and wires. Your cat may have a health issue that you can’t see. They are after all very good at hiding these things from their humans.
Wrap your cords
Wrap your cords in electrical tape. You will want to have a couple of layers. Many cats don’t like the feel of the electrical tape and will stop your chewing on cords. You will want to keep an eye on your cords and wires for a few days however as some cats don’t care if there is tape. You don’t want your cat accidentally electrocuting themselves.
Invest in cord organizers
Cord organizers are amazing inventions. They not only help to hide cords from your guest but from your pets as well. They are also nice to have when you just have a mess of cords around.
You want to find an organizer that will also cover your cords so your kitty can’t get to them. This helps not only to keep your cat away from your cords but also is a huge help when you are looking for a cord to charge your phone, tablet, or other items.
Hide your cords with cord covers
If you have ever worked in an office or gone to an event or even a wedding you may have seen a cord cover. You can find them at your local home improvement store and they don’t cost that much. They cover the cord while also preventing a tripping hazard.
You can also use PVC piping to cover your cords, this is great if your cords run along the edge of your floor as a small PVC pipe fits perfectly in the space where your wall and floor meet.
Another way you can hide your cords by covering them is to use split tubing. It’s easy to cut and hide the cords very well. You can choose from clear to different colors that will work with your existing decor
If you are crafty you can also make your own cord covers out of fabric. This is a great way to hide your cords and keep a nice look to your home. There are many different options for DIY cord covers. You can use strong yarn, fabric, or other materials to create your cover. Here is a great post on how to make your own DIY cord cover.

Get Cat Grass
Your cat may just enjoy chewing things, and you will have to find something else they can chew. Cat grass is a great option because it not only gives them a chewing alternative, but it gives them nutrients.
Cat grass is not like catnip, catnip is part of the Mint family, where cat grass is grown using wheat, barley, oats or rye seeds. It’s a good idea to have cat grass in your home as it’s a safe way for your cat to get vitamins and other nutrients they need.
Why feed your cat grass:
- It gives your cat nutrients and vitamins
- Helps with hairballs
- Aids digestion
Go Wireless
Everything is wireless today. Your computer set up can be completely wireless. Your headphones can be wireless and even your lamps can be wireless. This is an expensive option but if you have the funds to do it and like the idea of going wireless then have at it.
If you’re a gamer you may already be wireless, however, if you don’t charge your controllers wirelessly you still have wires sitting around. Find out if you can charge your controller with a wireless charging system and get rid of a few extra cords.
Hardwire everything
If you own your home and are ready to do some remodeling you may want to look into adding more plugs that are placed just right for your home layout. You can add plugs on your floors, you can change out normal plugs for USB and you can also hardwire your blue-ray or DVD player to avoid having so many cords hanging from your tv.
Reduce Anxity
Your cat may just be suffering from anxiety. Many cats have anxiety when they are not entertained well, have been introduced to a new living situation or there have been changes in their home life.
There are many other factors that can affect your cat and give them anxiety, you can find out more information on Hillspet.com here
A few ways to reduce your cats anxity
- Create a safe space
- Stick to a routine
- Use calming cat products
- Talk to your vet about anti-anxiety medications
Take Your Cat to the Vet
I know you may be here because you are looking for a way to stop your cat from chewing on cords without a vet visit, however, sometimes you do need to take your cat to the vet.
Your vet will check your cat over to make sure they do not have a problem with their teeth, a health issue, or another problem such as anxiety or OCD. Yes, even cats can get OCD.
If the above tips don’t work your cat may really need a vet visit. There may be a major health issue that is making your cat chew your cords.