Why does my cat act so strange?
Cats are known for their unique and sometimes quirky behaviors. They enjoy running around the house for no reason and doing other strange things that sometimes make you wonder if your cat got into the catnip. Strange behavor may just be normal for your cat and there are a few reasons why this might be the case.
Firstly, cats are brilliant animals with a natural curiosity that can lead to unusual behavior. They may explore their environment, play with objects, and engage in other activities that might seem strange to their owners. Cats are also creatures of habit and may have developed certain routines or behaviors that are unique to them. These behaviors may result from their environment, genetics, or interactions with their owners.
Cats are highly adaptable animals who can adjust to various environments and situations. Unfortunately, this adaptability can sometimes lead to unexpected or unusual behavior as cats explore and interact with their surroundings. For example, my cat Pumpkin enjoys making me do each of the following strange behaviors multiple times a day; I like to think he does it because he trusts me and not because he knows he can order me around.

Strange Behavors you may see with your cat
Your cat likes to have you watch them eat
Cats can be very territorial animals and they may have a natural instinct to protect their food from potential competitors or predators. When your cat eats in front of you, it could be a sign that he or she trusts you and feels comfortable in your presence. When it comes to meal time, both of my cats want me to watch them eat. Part of this may have to do with a community reaction or because the other cat in the home, that is not mine, enjoys attacking them (playfully) at random times. I am still trying to discover if this is the case.
It’s also worth noting that cats are creatures of habit and routine. If your cat has become accustomed to having you watch them eat, it may have become part of their daily routine or ritual. Think about your behavior when your cat started wanting you to watch them eat. Did you start spending more time in a different area around mealtime, or did you always watch them eat but have stopped? On the other hand, they may have just become used to you being there.
Your cat makes you follow them around the house
Cats are natural explorers and hunters, and they have a strong desire to investigate their surroundings. So when your cat makes you follow them, they may be trying to show you something that has caught their attention, such as a new toy, a hidden spot in the house, or even an insect or small animal he wants to hunt.
Cats also have a natural inclination to play, and they may be inviting you to engage in a game of chase or hide-and-seek with them. Following your cat may also be a way for them to bond with you and strengthen your relationship. It’s also possible that your cat is simply seeking attention or companionship. You may have a more social cat, and by making you follow them, your cat may be seeking your attention and enjoying your presence.
Your cat may make you watch them use the litter box
It is not uncommon for cats to want their owners to watch them use the bathroom, and there can be a few reasons for this behavior. Firstly, cats can be very territorial animals, and they may feel vulnerable while using the litter box. By having you watch them, they may be seeking reassurance that they are safe and protected.
Another reason your cat may want you to watch them use the litter box is that some cats are social and view using it as a communal activity. Therefore, by having you watch them, they may feel that they are engaging in a shared experience with you.
Remember, cats are creatures of routine, and they may have become accustomed to having you watch them while they use the litter box. This behavior, like the others listed above, may have become a habit or a part of their daily routine.
Regardless of the reason your cat has for wanting you to watch them use the litter box, it’s important to respect your cat’s privacy and personal space. If your cat seems uncomfortable with you watching them, it may be best to give them their privacy and let them use the litter box in peace.
Remember, each cat is an individual and may have unique personalities and behavior patterns. So what might seem strange to one person might be perfectly normal for another cat. Strange behavior in cats is not uncommon and is usually nothing to worry about, as long as the behavior is not harmful to the cat or those around them. If you are concerned about your cat’s behavior, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian or a professional animal behaviorist.
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